The 32mm,44mm,45mm,50mm,53mm,59mm measurement means the inside diameter of the cover,the cover materials is glass.please check your scope's outside diameter. Protect your scope lens from scratches & dust. Waterproof and airtight, keeps dust, dirt and weather off lens surfaces Ambidextrous open and close, durable spring hinges operation, open silently with the flick of a thumb Sold one per package.
Off-Axis Guider for Astrophotography Delightfully thin off-axis guider ideal for use with Newtonian reflector telescopes and DSLR cameras Lets you guide and capture astrophotos simultaneously through one telescope. No guide scope required! 10.5mm thickness perfect for use with Newtonian reflectors which have limited back focus travel Will not interfere with the use of coma correctors thanks to its thin profile Compensates for any existing flexures that may interfere with accurate guiding and tracking
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